In-House Professional Appraisals

Jewelry Appraisals & Consultancy

Preparing for an Appraisal

"Enhance Your Jewelry Appraisal Experience: Before scheduling your jewelry appraisal, a little preparation can streamline the process and optimize the outcome. Here are essential steps to consider:

  1. Prep Your Pieces: Give your jewelry a gentle cleaning and address any necessary repairs beforehand. This not only saves the appraiser's time but also ensures a smoother evaluation. Since appraisers must note any required repairs in their reports, addressing these issues in advance eliminates the need for post-appraisal documentation and simplifies the process for your insurance coverage.
  2. Organize Your Documents: Compile any relevant paperwork such as an inventory list of the items for appraisal, sales receipts, warranties, gemstone certificates, previous insurance summaries, and past appraisals. This comprehensive documentation will support the appraisal process and provide a clear history of your jewelry.
  3. Schedule Smart: Aim to book your appraisal appointment a few weeks before you need the documentation. This foresight allows for flexibility, especially if your chosen appraiser has a busy schedule, and ensures you have ample time for any follow-up actions.

Taking these steps ensures a seamless appraisal process, helping you to secure accurate insurance for your treasured pieces."

Schedule Your Appraisal

During the Appraisal

"Elevate the Value of Your Treasures: Our comprehensive jewelry appraisal meticulously evaluates every facet of your pieces. This detailed process involves assessing the gems' color, clarity, carat weight, cutting proportions, finish, cut grade, and any enhancements that may have been applied. Additionally, we scrutinize the setting, including its weight, measurements, and description, along with any identifying marks, metallurgical composition, accent stones, and bespoke elements.

Your finalized appraisal report will encapsulate these insights, complemented by an array of photographs of your piece, a thorough explanation of our grading system, the valuation basis, and it will be accompanied by a signed certificate from our accredited appraisers.

Protect the legacy of your beloved jewelry. Reach out to us now to book your professional appraisal and ensure your treasures are accurately valued and safeguarded."

Schedule Your Appraisal